Prioritization Frameworks

Summary of Prioritization Attributes

  1. Impact / Magnitude
  2. Value
  3. Reach / Size of Audience / Scale
  4. Confidence
  5. Effort / Complexity / Feasibility
  6. Risk
  7. Cost
  8. Level of Customer Satisfaction
    1. Frequency of Complaints
  9. Importance
  10. Urgency


Reach Estimation of how many people each project will affect within a given period. Measured in number of people/events per time period.

Impact Estimation of the impact on an individual person. Measuring can be subjective, leverage scale as outlined: 3 = “massive impact”, 2 = “high”, 1 = “medium”, 0.5 = “low”, .25 = “minimal”.

Confidence The level of confidence you have about your estimates. Measuring is subjective, leverage scale as outlined: 100% = “high confidence”, 80% = “medium”, 50% = “low”

Effort Estimation of the total amount of time a project will require from all members of your team: product, design, and engineering. Measured in a number of “person-months” - the work that one team member can do in a month. Recommend sticking to whole numbers, unless something takes far less than a month.


RICE Scoring

Opportunity Scoring (JBTD)

Prioritize jobs to be done by mapping out each job to its importance and the current satisfaction based on research. Opportunity Scoring

Opportunity Diagram

Opportunity Diagram

Other Matrixes

Impact Effort Matrix

Sometimes as described as the Value Complexity Matrix. Impact Effort Matrix

Satisfaction Importance Diagram

Satisfaction Importance Matix

Agile Story Mapping

Agile Story Mapping

Importance Sarisfaction Matrix
