150%-200% of current hourly rate
30 minutes session is 1/3 off of an hour rate rounding up
Amazon Gift Codes to Email
In-Person Studies
- Friends/Family/Co-Workers
- Internal Networking
- Customer Users
- Customer Networking
- Use our software platform
- Social Media (Facebook Groups)
- Craigslist
- LinkedIn
- Survey to Request Emails
- Online Recruitment Tool
- Agency
Remote Studies
Same as In-Person
- Job Role: Education
- Employment Status: Full-time or part-time
- Screener Question
Post Best Practices
- Try not to mention incentive exact amount
- Time in advance?
- How long to wait to consider adjusting?
- Determine if they truly fit sample
- Learn more about the person
Standardize for audiences with some customization for specific study
Internal Participant Database
Maintain a participant database for future recruitment, including automated.
- Name
- Email
- Phone
- LinkedIn Profile
- Location / Timezone
- Title
- Company
- Industry
- Shiftgig Character
- Past Study Participation
- Session Connection
- Incentives Paid
- Last Time Contacted
- Source
- Status (Active - Not Interested)
Scheduling Backups
If unneeded, send back.